Tips to Help Employees Stay Productive During Summer
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  • Tips to Help Employees Stay Productive During Summer

    June 10, 2020

    Summer is here and if you’re like most managers, you’re probably looking at the vacation schedule trying to figure out how your staff is going to make it through.
    Honestly, your staff is probably feeling some of the same stress you are.

    Between accommodating out-of-office employees to trying to juggle their summer social schedule, it’s not surprising that summer is one of the hardest times of the year. Reports have shown 25% of employees have a harder time focusing on their work during the summer.

    It’s not hard to see why this is the case. Warmer days call for changes in your employee’s routine and suddenly they have to be concerned about their children’s summer daycare, organizing trips to the lake, hanging out by the pool, family vacations, and more. 

    What all these summertime distractions add up to is a workforce which is not completely focused on the tasks at hand. 

    Fortunately, there are some things you as a manager and as an organization can do to make sure your employees remain positive and focused during the summer months. Implementing even one of the below tips will help your staff be happier and more focused during the summer. 

    Be Understanding
    No matter what, your employees will be driven to book those summertime plans. So don’t be a Debbie Downer. Be understanding and empathetic and encourage your employees to be open and honest with you about their needs. They might be looking to get out early for an evening dinner at the pool or take an extra day for a long beach weekend so be flexible with their schedules if possible.

    Plan Fun Events
    Embrace the fun that defines summer. Schedule a team-building retreat or a potluck lunch in the office. Hold it during the workday so it doesn’t conflict with their personal plans. Consider scheduling a few of these events throughout summer to help break up the monotony of the office. If you have the means, provide some outdoor space your employees can escape to. Maybe a patio or garden where they can eat lunch. Sometimes just the unfulfilled longing to get outside is the most distracting. 

    Reward Accomplishments
    Summertime is a great time to keep everyone motivated with awards. Maybe you could present one or two awards at each weekly team meeting. You might recognize individuals or a whole team for achieving a goal or completing a project. 

    In Short…
    The main message you want to deliver to your employees is that you appreciate what they do and you care about their well-being. Remember that your staff will work harder when they know they’re being valued.


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