Ways to Spring Clean Your Business
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  • Ways to Spring Clean Your Business

    March 24, 2021

    Spring is here, and with Spring comes spring cleaning! Spring cleaning is not just for your home, but it's for your business too! Check out our ideas for spiffing up your business this spring.

    Deep clean your books
    You’re probably knee-deep in taxes right now. If the whole process is proving to be a bit of a nightmare, you might need to find ways to organize your accounting methods. Once you’ve completed your business taxes, it might be a good time to reevaluate your bookkeeping.

    Spiff up your website
    A great website is your portal to the world, helping you to grow your brand. This spring, make sure your website reflects you and your business and that it’s fully up to date! Take time to refresh some of the content on your Customer Portal and update any photos on your site. And if you sell apparel, or gift cards, or equipment at your facility, make sure that your online point of sale is set up!

    Pour over your data
    Set time aside this season to look at your numbers! Your iClassPro dashboard is a trove of information, right at your fingertips. Familiarizing yourself with the data from the past year and look for ways that you can improve and grow your business going forward.

    Plan ahead for the holidays
    Mother’s Day, Easter, and graduation are coming up soon! Does your facility have plans plan to do anything special for these holidays? Look for new, creative ways to treat your customers for these holidays.

    Check out new features
    Paperless is the way of the future. A good place to start limiting your paper clutter is to make sure that you are utilizing all of the features iClassPro has to offer. Now is a great time to look through our Knowledgebase to brush up on areas of iClassPro that you may not be fully utilizing. And make sure you are keeping an eye on our Changelog for all iClassPro updates.

    Empty your inbox
    A cluttered inbox is one of the worst digital messes. Sit down for a bit and go through all your emails, making sure you don’t have any outstanding ones from customers, and getting rid of all of that unnecessary clutter. Having a clean inbox is one of the best clean slates.

    Consider long-term goals
    Think back to your business plan and what you wanted your school to look like. What long-term goals would you like to implement and what steps can you take now to realizing those? Consider goals for both for the company and for your own working life.

    Clean your office. Literally.
    I mean, you might as well. No one has vacuumed behind the printer in years.

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