Online Registration, Part Two: Encouraging Customers to use Your Customer Portal
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  • Online Registration, Part Two: Encouraging Customers to use Your Customer Portal

    November 30, 2020

    As you may remember, part one of our online registration blog series covered the benefits of online registration for you and your customers. Now, for the second part, we will discuss ways to encourage your customers to use the online registration tool.

    First and foremost, you need to start by making sure your customers know that online registration is an option. This can be communicated in multiple ways such as by posting and/or distributing informational flyers at your school, and/or by telling customers about online registration as they come to the front desk to register or when they call to do so.

    Now that your customers know that online registration is available, here are some tips on how to encourage them to start utilizing online registration through your customer portal.

    Social Media Posts 
    Since many of your customers probably follow you on social media to stay up-to-date on school offerings and news, then why not keep them up-to-date on the best way to sign up for classes? When registration time rolls around, post an online registration reminder on your social media outlets like Facebook and Instagram. And don’t forget to also post the link to your Customer Portal to make it easy for them to sign up this way.

    Send Reminders via Email Blast
    Capture customers who may not be active or following you on social media by sending email blasts through your iClassPro software. Similar to social media, email is a great way to remind your customers about online registration and is also an easy way to provide them with a direct link to your customer portal for registration.

    Remind Customers Using Your School’s Phone Message System
    When customers call your school to register their student for a class, be sure to remind them about the convenience of utilizing online registration. Consider adding a welcome voice message or on-hold message that directs them to your customer portal. Sometimes, customers simply forget that online registration is an option so reminders via phone message should help keep it top of mind.

    Push Notification Reminder
    Make the most of your iClassPro mobile app or branded app by sending push notifications to your customers during enrollment time reminding them that online registration is available. iClassPro mobile apps make registration easier than ever by allowing parents to enroll their student for classes anywhere, anytime, from their phone.

    Incentivize Customers
    Are your customers still not utilizing online registration? Try incentivizing them by giving all students who are enrolled through the Customer Portal a tuition discount, a goodie bag on the first day of class, or maybe even a proshop credit.  I mean, who doesn’t love a discount or a freebie?

    We hope that utilizing one or all of these tips will help you encourage your customers to use or at least try online registration. And once they see how easy it is, you and your staff will have time to be even more productive around your school.

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