A Checklist for Safely Reopening Your Business
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  • A Checklist for Safely Reopening Your Business

    May 15, 2020

    We know you are ready for it! Ready for the smell of chlorine - ready for the sound of little feet on gym mats - ready for the smiling faces of all of your kiddos! Being shut down due to COVID-19 has been hard and we know you’re ready to get back to doing what you love!

    So to help you prepare for your opening day, we’ve done some homework and compiled a Reopening 2020 Checklist for children's activity centers. The checklist is packed with resources and recommendations from government officials and health experts who all want to make sure you reopen in a way that protects your students, your employees, and yourself.

    (Download a printable checklist here.) 
    (Download an editable spreadsheet checklist here.) 


    • Review industry-specific guidelines.
      -  Coronavirus & Youth Sports: How Should Youth Sports Return to Play?
      Safe Work Australia: Workplace Guidelines, Checklists and More! 
      -  USA Gymnastics - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates and Resources
      USA Swimming - USA Swimming Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources
    • Determine if state orders require employees to wear face masks in the workplace.​
    • ​Evaluate and communicate heightened cleaning requirements and expectations for employees and sanitation crews.
    • Ensure workplace common areas and customer-facing areas receive additional cleaning on a regular basis.
    • ​Make sure sanitizing supplies are available to employees and customers.
    • ​​Display signage reminding employees and customers the importance of social distancing and regular and proper handwashing.
    • ​Determine whether or not to allow parents in common areas, such as waiting rooms. Evaluate seating options and consider using a streaming service such as iClassPro Live to let parents watch their students from the car or at home. Click here to learn about iClassPro Live.
    • Require employees experiencing COVID-19 symptoms to leave work, promptly seek testing, and report results. Click here to learn more about COVID-19 symptoms. 
    • ​Screen and monitor employees upon returning to work.
    • ​Consider screening students who will be returning to class by having parents report and sign off on any present COVID-19 symptoms in their student.
    • ​Monitor students in class and have coaches report any students exhibiting symptoms. Report any concerns to parents and consider requesting testing or a period of time before returning to class.
    • Draft and prominently display policies and signage regarding staying home when feeling sick.
    • ​Communicate to your parents all of the measures that are being taken to protect their students.
    • ​Continue to monitor applicable orders as they evolve or are lifted and also watch for changing guidance and best practices.
    • ​Create planning materials that could be used if there is a second wave of infections and closures or a future pandemic or other event.

    ​All of at iClassPro wish you a happy and safe reopening, and remember, we are here for you! 


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