5 Habits for Entrepreneurs to Flourish this New Year
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  • 5 Habits for Entrepreneurs to Flourish this New Year

    January 18, 2021

    January is the time for reflection! There’s something magical about a new year, but this year we are all feeling the need for a fresh start. To make this year your best yet, let’s set some new goals, new routines, and new habits.

    Here are 5 suggestions to help you be your best self so that you can be the best entrepreneur you can be.

    Don’t be Afraid to Ask for Help

    Being a business owner involves rolling up your sleeves, working through the muck, and getting the job done regardless of the late nights or long weekends. The problem with that is that after a while, you become burnt out and exhausted.

    So don’t be afraid to ask for help. Not only is it okay to ask for help, but it can be a huge blessing to finally take some projects off your plate. Consider delegating some of your responsibilities to your front desk staff, school manager, or maybe even consider hiring an assistant.

    Embrace Change

    New social media platforms, new trends, new health regulations, new standards of service, new business applications - the world we live in is ever-changing! So it’s understandable to want to cling to tradition - “the way we’ve always done things”. But it’s becoming more and more apparent that it is imperative that we open our minds to change. 

    So what are some changes that you’ve been abstaining from that might be time to embrace? Try focusing on the positive instead of the negative and ask yourself what are some ways these changes will make your life and your business better?

    Prioritize Your Health

    As business owners, employers, teachers, coaches, and/or parents, we focus so much on other people. Is the business running like it is supposed to? Are the employees taken care of? Are the students learning what they are supposed to? Have the children been fed? 

    But what about you and are you taking care of yourself? Have you had your yearly check-up? Are you eating healthy or just grabbing fast food? Make time for yourself! Take time to invest in your mental health. Make sure you get enough sleep. Drink plenty of water! If you are falling apart then how can you possibly take care of the things and people that are most important to you?

    Practice Gratitude

    There’s something to be said about being grateful for where you are, everything you’re accomplishing, and the goals you’re working on this year. After a long, rough day, take the time to write down a few things that you’re grateful for. This allows you to rest peacefully with a positive mindset at the end of the day instead of feeling defeated.

    Take Time To Read

    If there’s one thing that successful entrepreneurs seem to do more than anyone else, it’s that they read. It’s worth your time to prioritize reading books that will enrich and enlighten you. Incorporate reading into your routine by making time before you go to bed, or first thing in the morning. If you really can’t bring yourself to adopt this success habit, then check out these top 10 audiobooks for entrepreneurs.


    Remember to be patient with yourself as you incorporate these healthy habits into your life. Forgetting to perform a habit every now and then will not undo the habit formation process. Don’t beat yourself up for “failing” once or twice; instead, have a strategy in place for when a mess-up occurs and move forward. You deserve a year filled with happy, healthy experiences.


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