Online Activity Cleanup
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  • Online Activity Cleanup

    December 11, 2020

    In our best efforts to provide excellent service and optimized application performance to all of our users, we are planning to perform an iClassPro Online Activity Cleanup on Wednesday, December 16, 2020, at 8 am CT. During this time, we do not anticipate any type of iClassPro application interruption. 

    The Online Activity Cleanup will change the way we store Online Activity moving forward, making the data accessible for a maximum of 90 days. Also, during this cleanup,  all historical Online Activity data older than 90 days will be permanently removed from the Online Activity tab. However, any online activity needing to be viewed after the 90-day timeframe (whether approved, denied, or dismissed) moving forward can be accessed through the iClassPro Audit Log for up to two years. 

    To view the Online Activity window:
    Go to the iClassPro application home page, click the “Online Activity” icon at the bottom of every page in iClassPro.

    To learn more about the Online Activity window, click here.

    To access the Audit Log:
    Go to the iClassPro application home page, navigate to the profile picture located on the top right of your screen. Once the user dropdown menu appears select “Audit Log”.


    To learn more about the Audit Log, click here.

    Thank you in advance and we look forward to providing you with enhanced iClassPro application performance once the Online Activity Cleanup is complete.

    For any questions, please contact our Support Team by clicking here or email


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