Notice Regarding the Legacy Parent Portal
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  • Notice Regarding the Legacy Parent Portal

    May 23, 2020

    Due to Safari update issues, your customers using the Safari browser can no longer access certain Legacy Parent Portal functions such as payments or class enrollments. In order for your customers to access these functions in the Legacy Parent Portal, they will need to switch to a compatible browser (Chrome or Firefox).

    However, the new Customer Portal supports all browsers including Safari. We recommend that you make the switch to the new Customer Portal as soon as possible so that your parents can access your portal using the browser of their choice.

    Upgrading to the new Customer Portal is as simple as reviewing a few settings. 

    It is also recommended that staff using the office portal use Chrome.

    In an effort to communicate the Safari browser issue to your customers, we will post an "incompatible with your browser" pop-up message that will be visible once they log into the Parent Portal. See below for an example of what that message will look like.

    For any questions or concerns, please contact us at Thank you!

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