iClassPro Camp Schedule Feature Updates Scheduled for 1/25/2021 through 1/29/2021
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  • iClassPro Camp Schedule Feature Updates Scheduled for 1/25/2021 through 1/29/2021

    January 18, 2021

    In our best efforts to provide excellent service and optimized application performance to all of our users, we plan to perform iClassPro Camp Schedule Feature Updates Monday, January 25, 2021, through Friday, January 29, 2021.

    We do not anticipate iClassPro application interruption during the updates but it is possible that camp schedules and camp attendance specifically may encounter loading issues.  

    In preparation for the updates we will perform, we recommend that you generate the following reports so that your staff has the information they need on hand to perform normal business operations.

    • CAM-1 (Camp List Report): Shows a simple list of camps that are set to occur over a specified date range along with allowed registration dates, the amount due at signup, and overall occupancy details. This report is a great overview for businesses that do not allow customers to choose which dates/times to attend out of a camp schedule.
    • CAM-3 (Camp Enrollment Block Report): Shows which dates and times students are registered for and provides a list of students expected to attend each individual block of camp. This report is a great way to maintain a roster of enrollments and track expected attendance on paper.
    • CAM-7 (Camper Information Report): Provides a list of students in camp along with details about students (such as name, date of birth, notes), their family contact information (such primary guardian, phone number, email, address), and additional camp information (such as instructors, camp questions/answers and enrollment notes). This report is great at providing a general list of students who will be attending camps by date.

    We’re so excited about the improvements and enhanced functionality the updates will result in, as it allows us to provide you with a more robust and efficient Camp Schedule feature for the future. 

    Thank you in advance and we look forward to providing you with optimized iClassPro Camp Schedule performance once the updates are complete.

    For any questions, please contact our Support Team by clicking here or email support@iclasspro.com.

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